

We gather for a variety of events and topics. Some are more general in nature,(drop in’s) others some have a pre set discussion. Sadly we have put some of our social /face-to-face meetings on hold and have substituted with online events temporarily.

Sunday evening lecture & worship service 8pm.   Details on the members page.

Weekly ‘chat & tap’ groups are held on Thursday evenings at 8pm, where we discuss the challenges of the week in conjunction with some energy psychology modalities.  Details on the members page.

We are holding an ongoing series that will be addressing the topic of Money and Prosperity. This is a series of sessions which will be held beginning February (2022). Please contact Rev. Kallista to register. Given that it is a series one’s ongoing engagement with the sessions will be expected. 

We have an extensive FaceBook Community that you may also want to join, please reach out as part of your intake interview for various ways to participate in our community.

Upcoming Events

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