

Tenets of our faith related to declining Sar-Co 2 vaccine mandates

We are not in the habit of addressing some of our unique tenets in a public forum such as this. However we have been asked to identify the tenets behind our objections to the Sars CoV 2 vaccine mandates of 2021. A partial list follows.

For additional ideas/beliefs related to our faith please check some of the other website pages.

Rev John Newton wrote about his perspective on Small Pox Vaccines.  (1777,  Letter IX p. 129-131)  John Newton, was initially a captain on slave ships, and subsequently awakened after his own experience as a slave, and a storm that nearly sunk the ship he was on. Over time he became an abolitionist and regretted his former career.  He is most known for the song “Amazing Grace“.  This letter is particularly important as it references how he prioritized his faith and trust in the Lord, for both blessings and the lessons that come from adversity, and the salvation of one’s soul. He preferred to put his faith in God who can provide, without the contrivances of men.

 John Newton on Inoculation~ bolded for ease of reading.

As the Rev. John Williams (1664-1729) wrote,

Argument 1. …, Inoculating the Small Pox is not contained in the Rules of Natural Physick. Therefore, It is unlawful. … making a Wound, in order to communicate a Disease, which is an Abuse unto that Text, Math. 9. 12. They that are whole need not a Physician but they that are sick, and a horrid Violation of the Intent that our Lord said it for.

In Deut. 39. 15. we have these Words, I kill, and I make alive, I wound, and I heal. And now in what Sense are Actions said to be God’s. Actions are either to be consider’d good or evil. As they are to be consider’d good, God doth will them, and by his Power effect them. As they are consider’d evil, he permits them to be, as he did Satan to smite Job with Boils.…Actions are said to be good,…when they are God-like, which was the State that God created Man in, which was in Knowledge, Righteousness, and true Holiness. Our Actions must be in Knowledge of the Will of God, or they cannot be good Actions; and Knowledge of his Will is taught by the Will of God: To the Law and to the Testimony. Joh. 5. 39. They are they that testify of me (i. e. that declare my Will.)

Argument. 2 …, There is no Rule in the Word of God to found Inoculation upon. Therefore, Inoculation cannot be according to the Will of God, nor according to Knowledge.  Now we read in Deut. 27. 19. Cursed is he that perverteth the Judgment (or Right) of the Stranger, Fatherless and Widow.

Argument. 3 …, Inoculation has a natural Tendency to the perverting the Right of the Fatherless and Widow. Therefore, It is an unrighteous Action.

Argument. 4 … Inoculation is a doing Violence unto the Law of Nature, and the Pattern which God hath set us, (which we are to imitate.) Therefore, Inoculation is unholy. Zeph. 3. 5. The just Lord is in the midst of thee, be will do no Iniquity.

A community based on love and respect does not ask another to concede their values or principles. In loving/respecting others we allow for freedom of choice without coercion, threats, manipulation or other domineering tactics.  We seek to avoid situations that; injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture, or destroy. We cannot  ‘love thy neighbour’ when we instill fear in them, and or discriminate against them. loving they neighbour involves making accommodations for their differences.   Matthew 22:39

“he who hurries his footsteps errs” (Proverbs 19:2). These covid vaccines were rushed to market and phase 3 clinical trials will not be complete until 2023. There is no longitudinal studies on these mRNA technology vaccines and widespread application is inappropriate. Therefore there is a shortage of foresight applied.  Medical research as well as treatment must be considered and weighed careful. Long-term side-effects will not be known for another 10-20 years in the 2035-2045 range. It is unethical to mandate participation in an experiment.

‘God’ does not demand perfection. However under metaphysical principles we are asked to be obedient to the voice of God within(intuition) and only take action when one is fully aligned and “fully persuaded in his own mind” (Romans 14:5). In the absence of clarity one is asked to wait until clear guidance surfaces.

Vaccines and based on the premise of giving another individual an illness. While one’s intentions are noble, intentionally making an individual ill, or intentionally harming an individual, is immoral. The covid-19 injections are not without side-effects. (blood clots, shingles, strokes, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, still births, erectile dysfunction, kidney failure, Mio-carditis, peri-carditis cancer,  among others and death). It is unethical to force a medical treatment on another,

Genetic mixing and/or injecting an individual with genetic material from another species is unethical. These vaccines use mRNA technology.   modified messenger RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) which is genetic coding. Leviticus 19:19 states that we are not to cross-breed. It is unethical and inappropriate to participate in ‘gene modifying therapy’.  Created in the likeness of God, we are at the top of the animal kingdom hierarchy and thus it is out of place to mix genes between different species or organisms that are lower life forms.

Nature is powerful and should be used first and foremost. We promote a wellness oriented lifestyle, as a guiding model. (Exercise, proper nutrition, avoidance of toxins,…) that draws from nature and natural substances.

 As a community, we advocate for freedom of choice on a variety issues and particularly as it relates to autonomy and sovereignty over the body. This is relevant not just as it relates to vaccines but also; ethuanasia, (mercy killing), sexual consent,  and other aspects. How can we teach our youth to withstand peer pressure (i.e. speeding, drugs, casual sex) on items consumed if we are not consistent in our message.  Some universities have the campaign ‘just say no’, but to speak it, we must be in an safe environment where we feel safe to express our desires and be in a position where our viewpoint is heard, respected, and honoured.

Control over our bodies must be our own. Liberty and freedom is egregiously interfered when one; mocks, cajoles, or uses manipulation or other domination, segration or isolation tactics that are punitive in nature for non-compliance.

Physical life extends from conception through to our natural Death.  However our soul/spiritual life exists beyond the physical plain. For we are spiritual beings living a physical existence here on earth. What we do to our physical body and the actions we take throughout life affects not only life on earth but affects us after we die.

The body is a sacred temple (1 Corinthians 6:19), thus deserves to be treated with respect and reverence. Whether that body is our own or the body of another human. Scripture asks us to forgo actions and substances which leave the body in an impure state.

The healthy do not need a physician (medical invention)’ comes from Matthew (9:12) but also Mark(2:17) and Luke(5:31).  Pretreating the body for diseases it does not have, knows no end and is a potential abuse of power and waste of resources.

Lesson 76, references directly the impropriety of relying on inoculations or injections to prevent disease (It is insanity that thinks some fluid pushed into your veins through a sharpened needle will ward off disease and death). There are many things that can be done as part of a health & wellness routine that are less invasive. There are many safe and inexpensive treatments that are available for people should one contract an influenza/coronavirus (flu) type virus,

There are many senseless things that humans turn to for salvation (i.e. addictive substances/behaviours, the accumulation of material items). Salvation lies in the spiritual realm and things that have mean­ing (character of the individual, kind acts,…). “You really think a small round pellet or some fluid pushed into your veins through a sharpened needle will ward off disease and death. It is insanity that thinks these things.” You think you must obey the “laws” of medicine, of economics and of health. Protect the body, (nutrition, avoid toxins) and you will be saved.

Blood is sacred and must remain pure  “For the life of a creature is in the blood”  Leviticus 17:11 One’s blood pressure/pulse is used to assess one’s health as well as blood drawn for analysis. Given that anything put into the body is eventually circulated through the bloodstream, avoiding toxins is paramount. The manufacturers have not disclosed full ingredient lists (citing patents) and thus it is impossible to ascertain the efficacy of the products used. 

One must obey their conscience, so as to avoid contradicting God’s intentions, or sinning, “If anyone… knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin“(James 4:17). At times sin comes through a premeditated action (i.e. theft) at other times sin comes from inaction (compliance, remaining silent) and failing to take a stand or stop someone else from taking an inappropriate action.

Elements of consent:
Consent must 1.) relate to treatment.  2). Be fully informed. 3). Be given voluntarily. 4). Must not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.

Consent:  Those individuals whose aborted fetal cells were used(infant and mother) were not given an opportunity to provide consent, as cells were reproduced, distributed, and used for a variety of subsequent experiments. They could not anticipate the range of application of the cells of the aborted fetus. Even if the mother did give consent at the time, it was potentially done in a state of duress(angst) and not with a clear mind, as choosing to abort an unwanted pregnancy is often done under rushed circumstances.

Therapeutic care should be based on a foundation of compassion and an individual is morally responsible to their conscience and obeying the voice of God.

Disclosure of one’s health circumstances and/or medical status should be confidential in nature and remain between the patient and their physician. This is part of the Hippocratic Corpus. Confidentiality is also the cornerstone of the legal industry.  Public disclosure of what would otherwise be private information is inappropriate.    
“He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets,
But he who is trustworthy conceals a matter.” Proverbs 11:13 “The prudent person keeps silent”Amos 5:13

The disclosure of such information has created a division and labeling of people as ‘clean’ vs ‘unclean’, based on one minute element of an individuals larger character.  This labeling is divisive as seen through the derogatory commentary of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. We cannot remain united as; families, communities, nations, when a segragatory line in the sand has been drawn.  This is particularly disconcerting as studies, and time, has demonstrated that the covid-19 injections do not prevent infection and/or transmission. Essential identifying the injections as inert.

Conviction is an important dynamic. “Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.” Romans 14:15.  We are to educate people until they see the value of taking action in a particular direction as opposed to implementing negative consequences. Life will provide it’s on natural consequences. Our interpretation of lessons/events may vary differently and/or be applied differently as we are all unique individuals. We will all arrive at logical conclusions in our own timing.

We can rest assured in God’s plan for us, “I rest in God today,… in perfect certainty (Lesson 120). Our capacity to attend to that which God has preordained for us is part of life’s journey.

‘I am as God created me’ is an idea that brings complete salvation.  When you remain as God created you, you will be both pure and strong. I am as God created me’, relates to items; consumed, imbibed, or injected, as we avoid impure substances. Remaining in the likeness of God and hence honouring Mother Nature.

The pharmaceutical companies have acknowledged the use of fetal cell tissue in the production of the vaccines. We cannot endorse the taking of a life based on personal preference and/or capitalizing off of someone else’s misfortune. Adoption exists as an alternate to raising a child under conditions of hardship. (ten commandments – Exodus 20:13). We are known by God prebirth as souls. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee” Jeremiah 1:5:


Additional Commentary: An effective vaccine does not put anyone at risk, other than the individual avoiding treatment. Therefore the unvaccinated is not a threat to the mainstream anymore than the vaccinated are. Evidence of transmission by the double (triple) vaxxed is now well documented.  It is illogical and immoral to sacrifice free will, for coercion, for an ineffective product.  

“Spirit does not exist in just one location; rather it is all encompassing, living within and amongst us in each moment, thought and action. I believe that Spirit is raised to it’s highest level, when individuals gather with wisdom, compassion and a discerning desire to provide service to humanity”. We are all One, One Energy, from One Light. Let us band together as Humans, with love for all of humanity, living each day in harmony as we explore our spirit.”
                                                 ― Kala Ambrose