Metaphysical Principles
- Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate
nature of existence, reality, and experience.
- Metaphysics includes all religions and thus is often a shared faith and or integrated into other faiths. Metaphysical principles are found in other religions and yet it also transcends all religions.
- Those who practice metaphysics explore the relationship between them and the outside world. Positive thoughts or good intentions helps the individual experience positive/good things.
- Metaphysics acknowledges and respects the beauty in ALL of (God’s) Creation.
- People who practice metaphysics are encouraged to speak truthfully, yet be compassionate.
- The Law of divine Compensation allows for when a person puts forth positive contributions, positive things will be reciprocated to him or her.
- Putting out good/positive vibes and positive thoughts into the world (seeing the glass half full) means that both positive thoughts and positive experiences/opportunities will circle back towards you. Hence, the offering up of any positive; thoughts, ideas, acts, will result in more positive elements/experiences.
- There is a creative force of life that exists in the universe and that is both surrounding and inside every living thing. This creative force can be manifested through the power of love/appreciation and exists in both the seen and unseen planes.
- Metaphysics explores the immutable laws of nature, set by The Creator, God/Universal Presence, in the creation of the Universe, these include such laws as ‘The Law of Attraction” or ‘The Law of Divine Compensation‘.
- All objects, plants, animals and people are part of a creative force thus all creations are perfect as it all supports our evolution. Perfection is achieved through; a good spiritual and earthly balance, by thinking positive thoughts, and by engaging in positive actions.
- People who practice metaphysics do not believe in an all-powerful deity. They do recognize that there is something more out there though. They also feel that they have a right to have total control over their bodies and actions. Free will allows someone to control their thought process which impacts one’s mood/attitude. Free will also allows people to choose their actions and be responsible for the outcomes – hence self determining and accountable.
- People who practice metaphysics believe that there is a divine presence or something more out there. This presence some call God as that is a universally accepted term or may be a term from their childhood. Others are more comfortable with ‘Creator’. Others refer to ‘Spirit’ or ‘Guardian Angels’. It is not the term that matters but an acknowledgment that there is an ‘Energy’ or “Universal Force” that transcends the human realm while also having influence on us as humans.
- Each person is to obey the voice of the divine (inner convictions) and only take action when one is fully aligned.
- Under metaphysical principles we recognize the mind-body connection. That which one is dealing with emotionally may manifest as physical constrictions and/or ailments. (i.e. an upset stomach before a presentation/test). By addressing the underlying emotional elements it supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

“What you can see with the vision of the soul cannot be seen with open eyes.”
― Shiva Negi