Elixirs & Inoculations

Elixirs & Inoculations

Vaccines, Inoculations, & Preventative Prescriptions

The official position of the Centre for Spiritual Upliftment with regards to Vaccinations is that we do not support their widespread implementation.  While some vaccines had(have) a role in helping to reach herd immunity, the ongoing widespread use is no longer necessary and now falls into unnecessary medical treatment. This decision was made as a congregation and the topic has been discussed, researched, and debated for over a decade and since the inception of our community.

Much scientific research is sponsored by  manufacturers and/or public health bodies, who have financial and/or bureaucratic interests. The existence of COIs [conflicts of interest] results in inconclusive scientific research. 

While many diseases have disappeared into obscurity (polio, small pox) there is some debate as to whether it is the vaccine or other infrastructures that coincided simultaneously, such as increased sanitation (indoor plumbing & improved hygiene) that contributed to their disappearance.

The bodies first line of defence against disease is the skin and thus we support proper hygiene and cleaning to prevent the spread of disease.

There are difference in types of inoculations which also makes a difference in determining risk, need, etcetera.

Inoculations bypass nature’s primary defence mechanism by preventing the body from being exposed to the virus in a natural environment (skin contact) or by allowing the body to respond, as the virus in injected into the body thus bypassing the natural progression of the immune system. Utilizing pharmaceuticals results in falling into the hands of men, who are not ‘all knowing’ in lieu of trusting in the creator, thus they should be used cautiously and rarely.

For decades it has been known that vaccines contain substances (i.e. stabilizers, mercury) which are known toxins, and other elements which are not made public due to patents. which contradict reverence for the body. Inoculations are in violation of the following principles.

    • Honouring the body as a sacred temple
    • There is no need to treat a well individual for an illness/disease that they do not have. 

Prescriptive substances have known side effects – some of which are mind altering, and thus impedes the mind-body-spirit connection.

Flu Vaccines'

The official position of the Centre for Spiritual Upliftment with regards to Flu vaccinations is that we are opposed to their broad application.

Influenza is a minor health ailment that does not require a preventative prescription. We recognize that each year some people die with the flu, however they tend to be people of advanced age and/or with additional health complications and thus die ‘with’ the flu not ‘because’ of it. We at the centre feel the risks of the vaccine outweigh the risks of the illness and that there are numerous natural products and protocols that support the immune system.

“Leave your drugs in the chemist’s pot if you can heal the patient with food.”

― Hippocrates  (c. 460 – c. 370 BC)

“Life in all its fullness, is Mother Nature obeyed”

– Dr. Weston A Price  (1870 – 1948)

'Covid-19 Vaccines'

*Covid-19 vaccines are issued for emergency use only. Phase 3 trials will not be complete until 2023 and therefore are still considered experimental in nature. The long-term effects of this type of treatment is unknown. There is no longitudinal studies that outlines potential risks.

The mRNA vaccine technology is not a traditional vaccine/inoculation and thus the definition of the word vaccine changed when applying the word to this injection. These mRNA injections alter the cells(genes) as they produce unnatural proteins and interfere with the natural processes of the immune system.  It is unknown what other illnesses may manifest because of the unnatural immune response that this injection invokes.

For the above reasons this injection is immoral and unethical.

The proper term for the Covid-19 vaccine is actually “gene modifying therapy”[virus genetic material (mRNA)] as it alters one’s genes as it injects humans with genetic material from another species. The impropriety of cross breeding is addressed in Leviticus 19:19Genetic mixing lacks sacredness and reverence for the species. 


The official position of the Centre for Spiritual Upliftment with regards to recently mandated Covid-19 vaccinations is that we are vhemently  opposed to them.

Since March of 2020 the topic of both preventative and curative dynamics related to covid-19 has been discussed in depth as a community.  In addition to the above reasons, we have several additional concerns which confirms the inappropriateness of the covid-19 vaccine. As with other influenzas (flus) the healthy individual can withstand a few days of incapacitation and will recover quickly without medical intervention. Statistics show that over 95%(97-99%) of those who contract covid recover without issue.

This specific inoculation was brought to market rapidly, and has not endured adequate testing.  “he who hurries his footsteps errs” (Proverbs 19:2) additionally there is a lack of longitudinal studies, or a control group, to confirm their safety and efficacy. 

Recently Italy adjusted its numbers to less than 4,000 covid deaths in total as it eliminated individuals who had 1-5 other health issues and were likely going to die anyway. Thus over 95% of “covid deaths” are not actually covid deaths. Dying ‘with’ is not the same as dying ‘from’.  Particularly given the false positives from the PCR test.  


67,7%  had more than three diseases together,
65.8% were ill with arterial hypertension  / high blood pressure. 
23.5% were also demented, 
29.3% diabetes  
24.8% also atrial fibrillation. 
17.4% lung issues, 
16.3% had had cancer recently; 
15.7% suffered from heart failure,
28% had ischemic heart disease, 
24.8% suffered from atrial fibrillation, 
more than one in ten were also obese, (as opposed to just overweight)
more than one in ten had had a stroke, 
and still others had serious problems liver, dialysis and autoimmune diseases etcetera


'Covid-19 Vaccines Mandate

The official position of the Centre for Spiritual Upliftment with regards to the Covid-19 vaccine mandates is that we are opposed to the mandate as it is draconian in nature and violates our creed that emphasizes; freedom, respect, compassion, truth, human rights, … and thus is immoral/unethical.

We believe:

    • People deserve to maintain sovereignty over one’s body (this is relevant not just with forced medical treatment or related to sexual misconduct, but also a host of other issues. )
    • Forced medical treatment, and/or using manipulation tactics (coercion, threats, harassment,…) is unethical.
    • There is no lawful authority for a private organization(employer/academic institution) to force experimental treatments on its employees, temporary (emergency) recommendations are not legally binding.
    • The mandate takes an unnecessary punitive approach for those who are opting out of the inoculation mandate. (i.e. banned from facilities, job loss) which is discriminatory and unethical
    • The mandate is pitting families, friends, colleagues and others against each other as it is turning people into outcasts within society and creates a toxic climate.
    • The mandates are discriminatory in nature and violates; corporate discrimination policies,  provincial and federal laws, case law, and international law.
    • The government has created a reaction that is excessive in contrast to the real threat, utilizing; faulty statistics, manipulated science, and propaganda to evoke fear and unnecessary compliance.
    • This tyrannical, domineering approach, stems from a place of control/fear and not compassion/love therefore it contravenes that which we know to be God-like and thus healthy for people/society.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
― Buddha
(5th century BCE)

“Each patient carries his own doctor inside him.”
― Norman Cousins, “Anatomy of an Illness”

“No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.”
― Maimonides

I am under no laws but God’s.

These are not laws, but madness.


.. the different kinds of “laws” we have believed we must obey. These would include, for example, the “laws” of nutrition, of immunization, of medication, and of the body’s protection in innumerable ways. Think further; you believe in the “laws” of friendship, of “good” relationships and reciprocity. Perhaps you even think that there are laws which set forth what is God’s and what is yours.

I am under no laws but God’s.