
Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach out to contact us if you have any questions not answered here.

Is metaphysics a religion?

Metaphysics is the study of consciousness and existence. “Meta” means “beyond,” therefore, “metaphysics” means “beyond the physical.”  It is more of a spiritual philosophy than a traditional ‘religion’.  At the centre of our teachings is issues related to personal growth, wellness, and human dignity.

Is the Centre for Spiritual Upliftment a religion?

It can be akin to a religious body and/or faith community. The community has identified common beliefs under metaphysics/spiritual dynamics that focuses on exploring and empowering the human spirit. We seek to uplift the mind-body-spirit connection. We emphasize grounded and practical life-skills designed to help people live better lives, enjoy more successful careers, and have better relationships. Our focus is more on grounded and down-to-earth concepts with potential scientific validity rather than extremely esoteric beliefs on the outer fringe.

Do you believe in God(s)?

We believe that there is a divine energy that exists in all living things (i.e. Pantheism). We have not defined that energy. Some members like the term ‘God’ others use ‘the divine’ or ‘the universe’ or ‘universal consciousness’.  Some members use terms such as ‘spirit’,  ‘angels’ or ‘intuition’.  There is no right or wrong terms to use to describe that entity or entities that contribute towards one’s gut hunches.

We believe that ‘god’ or consciousness is in all living things.  We believe that we are all connected to and/or a part of a ‘Universal’ or ‘Collective Consciousness’. We have all  had moments where we find ourselves thinking of a friends and within minutes they are calling us or sending an email, this Universal Consciousness, connect us, thus respect for and reverence towards the mind-body-soul connection is important and contributes towards strengthening that connection and/or life force energy.  We like to respect the divine in each of us and work towards a healthy self-concept based on self-reliance and self-completeness. This includes respecting the body by limiting the consumption/partaking in that which is toxic and/or damaging to the body.

Whom do you worship?

We have not put any deity, or deities, on a pedestal and thus do not ‘worship’.  We do acknowledge/celebrate positive outcomes and our humanity. We seek to have a healthy regard and/or reverence for all living beings (i.e. plants, animals, humans). There is no heirarchy in creation where one entity is superior to another.  Whether there is one God, several Gods/guiding angels,  or universal spirits, ancestral spirits, we do not define the ‘creator’/alternate realm benovolent spirits.

Do you pray?

Prayer can take various forms. Prayer can be through the scripted words of someone else and/or can be spontaneous and uniquely expressed in the moment. While some denominations pray to a ‘being’ (God, Jesus, Allah) for ‘salvation’, for us prayer is more expansive.  We may make; statements of affirmations (i.e. gratitude lists), alternatively meditation when it is less about putting out thought and more related to allowing for spirit to communicate to us.   We may spend time in thoughtful meditation as an aid for personal growth or we may send out wishes/intentions or positive energy towards someone or some cause (ie poverty, environment) in need in a redemption. Since we are all connected, this positive energy ripples out and influences outcomes. There have been scientific studies conducted that have demonstrated that those ‘prayed for’ recover faster than the control group.

What is your position on health/lifestyle?

We believe in the importance of a well-rounded lifestyle. We advocate for the nurturance of a healthy body, mind, and spirit. We support people participating in regular; exercise, intellectual stimulation, as well as a development of their emotional/spiritual side

What is your approach to Self Care?   

Self-care, self respect,  enforcing boundaries without dominating over others rights, are vital concepts in our creed. We  take care of ourselves; physically, mentally, psychologically as well as spiritually.  Proper care of our bodies  (diet, exercise, abstinence of toxins) is a practice in self-love, as is proper nourishment of our minds. Thus it is prudent to be selective when choosing associates, activities, or making any life impacting decision.

Do you believe in Jesus?

Some of our members were raised in Christian homes, and some have retained a connection to ‘Jesus’ as a source of inspiration. The Course in Miracles was presumably channelled by Jesus. However his name does not dominate the Course in Miracles texts. Nor do we only rely solely on that particular text for spiritual guidance. There are certain concepts that Jesus, among others, have taught  that we strive to incorporate. For example, avoiding judgement, love for others, faith in one’s capacity to heal.  Seeing Jesus as a wise individual is distinct from subscribing to the literalness of The Nicene Creed.

What is your position on women/gender equality?

We recognize that there are inherent differences that distinguish men from women. However that does not make one gender superior/inferior to another. Differences between the genders are an asset when we respect those differences and natural inherent talents and when we come together in partnership and/or as a community and draw on each others skills and abilities.

What is your position on racial equality?

We believe that one’s race is a minor component of their humanity.

One’s character and conduct are more relevant. We believe in equal rights regardless of ethnic background as we are all part of the human race.

What is your position on homosexuality?

We do not judge anyone based on their sexual orientation or where they find love and partnership.

What is your position on International Issues?

We reside in a global world. We recognize that imports/exports and international travel are part of the current world.  Many countries/businesses conduct themselves in an manner that respects their employees/citizens. We do discuss issues related to justice in our study circles and discuss the impropriety of unethical business practices  from both historical times and the current era. We look down upon slavery, child labour, sweat shops, and support business who utilize fair trade and other ethical practices.

Do you believe in the Bible?

The Judeo-Christian Bible is a spiritual text, as is many other spiritual texts. There are aspects of the bible that we do not support (i.e. judgmentalism, ) however there are many aspects of the bible that we respect and appreciate (i.e. love one another, the body is sacred, …). Thus we do reference it at times as we reside in a predominately judeo-christian community thus it provides for a common cultural backdrop for discussion purposes.

Do you believe in; Angels, Ghosts, or ‘Extraterrestrial Beings?

We do believe that there are other ‘spirits’ out there. . The Universe  is incredibly large, thus there is likely life in other solar systems. The notion of ‘spirit guides’ transcends various cultures/religions and thus we allow for it as well.

Is the Centre for Spiritual Upliftment a cult?  

Cults are groups where one is required to defer to another’s perspective. There tends to be a process of isolating members from the larger community. We do not prohibit partaking in other activities/environments be they to serve you on a physical level (sports,gyms) or your cognitive development(workshops) or other spiritual activities ( i.e. meditation courses, discussions, …).  We do not believe that there is only way to enhance one’s personal growth, evolution, or gain greater awareness.  We are open to drawing on the ideas of many spiritual advisors. Thus we do not look to one specific text/author or one individual (or guru) as one who is more enlightened than others. We seek to have each individual develop their relationship with their internal guidance system and thus honour their own divine voice. Unlike cults, or domineering groups, we support freedom of speech and the sharing of perspectives and ideas.

“Knowing that you are insane is the first step to become sane!”
Soman Gouda,

YOGI IN SUITS: Christopher Nolan and Vedanta