Pastoral Care
Rev. Kallista Chayil is our primary guide. We also utilize guest speakers, and members themselves take turns facilitating events and discussions.
Rev Kallista Chayil M.A.(c)
Kallista holds a Certificate in Leadership in Organizations as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She is on her last (thesis) course for her Master’s in Interdisciplinary Studies. She is a long-time EFT Practitioner and Coach. She gives presentations and workshops on a variety of personal growth topics.
She is also a certified Yoga Instructor. She completed her training in 2015, twenty years after first stepping onto a yoga mat. She has completed several meditation courses, including two 10-day Vipassana sits. Kallista is also an avid hiker and enjoys retreating into nature.
Kallista is an Metaphysical minister. She does much of her Ministry work out, online and/or out and about in the community and at various other Spiritual Centres and Venues as required. As a Metaphysical Minister She desires to be of service to support members of her congregation in developing their spiritual connection.
Her ministry offers services as a spiritual advisor, chaplain, grief counsellor. From time to time, she also makes herself available as an officiant/celebrant for; weddings, renewing vows, baptisms & naming ceremonies, funerals & memorial services, house blessings, among others.
Becoming ordained is much like earning a university degree, once ordained the designation remains. The ordination is a recognition of a level of study of spiritual texts and related ministerial courses. On a personal note I believe I was called by the spirits (God, divine) to be ordained and to serve people in their growth. It has been a life long calling and I am honoured to serve out my days with this designation. .
As an ordained minister I will continue to be of service to those who find their way to me, and support various human rights and/or justice projects, and advocate for the marginalized, that align with our beliefs and interests as a congregation.
Kallista was raised in a devout Catholic home, and attended a Catholic school throughout her primary & high-school education. Two of her parents siblings also took a clerical calling as part of their life’s journey. Consequently she is well versed in Christian principles and draws on this Judeo-christian background.
At one point in time Rev. Chayil was affiliated with the CIMM (Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry.) until they issued a directive stating that they were opposed to freedom of speech by their members. We addressed the issue as a congregation and the consensus of the centre was that it was appropriate to sever ties with CIMM. There was a groundswell of support to chart our own course.
There was an overlap in time from when the decision was made to when Kallista could complete on promises which required the affiliation, those promises/tasks are now complete. Any affiliation that appears to exist is merely loose ends and left over residue from lists which are now out of date following the expiration of a previous relationship.

Truth will correct all errors in my mind.
What can correct illusions but the truth? And what are errors but illusions that remain unrecognized for what they are? Where truth has entered errors disappear. They merely vanish, leaving not a trace by which to be remembered. They are gone because, without belief, they have no life. And so they disappear to nothingness,… only truth remains.
When truth has come it harbors in its wings the gift of perfect constancy, and love which does not falter in the face of pain, but looks beyond it, steadily and sure. Here is the gift of healing, for the truth needs no defense, and therefore no attack is possible.
The truth, will envelop you and give you peace so deep and tranquil that you will return to the familiar world reluctantly.